
Dakota Outreach Engagement and Education

Photo: Hummingbird Festival Strawberry Plains. Photo: Camilla Cerea.

Audubon Dakota leads a variety of nature-based events throughout the Dakotas focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats while emphasizing responsible stewardship of natural areas, both rural and urban. Audubon Dakota is seeking opportunities to engage with the community in ways that provide tangible benefits for participants.

Recent outdoor programs, collaborations, and locations have included:

  • Doubting Thomas Farms (Moorhead, MN) - nature walks and bird watching with local YMCA children
  • Buffalo River State Park “Outdoor Adventure Day” (Glyndon, MN) – family-friendly trail exploration, geocaching, archery, music, and interaction with both Audubon Dakota and State Park Staff
  • Ellen Hopkins Elementary School “Nature Play Day” (Moorhead, MN) - educational outdoor activities such as making bagel bird feeders
  • Lake Park Audubon Middle School (Audubon, MN/Hamden Slough National Wildlife Refuge) - prairie and wetland conservation discussion and demonstration
  • Davies High School and South Fargo High School science field trips (Forest River Nature Park, ND) -  invasive woody species removal and education; ecology and restoration demonstrations during hikes through restored prairie   
  • Aveda Salons (multiple cities throughout the Dakotas) - birding tours, prairie pollinator plantings, educational presentations, and nature walks

These successful partnerships built with local schools, other non-profits, and government agencies have provided us with the support to continue expanding our outreach and education programs to other areas in the Upper Midwest.

How you can help, right now