Recent News and Press

Bird Jobs of the Future and Other Avian-Inspired Stories From the Year 2100

Bird Jobs of the Future and Other Avian-Inspired Stories From the Year 2100

In Audubon’s first foray into climate fiction, or cli-fi, we asked writers of compelling—and sometimes strange—fiction to imagine what climate chaos will bring for birds and people. From there, they created these tales of the somewhat familiar future.

Our Favorite Fascinating Bird Behaviors From the 2020 Audubon Photo Awards

Our Favorite Fascinating Bird Behaviors From the 2020 Audubon Photo Awards

Every year the contest attracts entries capturing rare and unusual moments in the avian world. Here are this year's highlights.

How Bird-Friendly Are Your Holiday Decorations?

How Bird-Friendly Are Your Holiday Decorations?

Artificial plants, string, and netting can harm birds. Here's how to make your decor safe for them—and, with a bit of effort, even welcoming.

Holiday Open House @HOME Brings Event Safely To You

Holiday Open House @HOME Brings Event Safely To You

— Spring Creek Prairie’s annual event goes virtual with lists, links, and Facebook Live
Researchers Reveal the Mysterious Fall Movements of a Familiar Backyard Bird

Researchers Reveal the Mysterious Fall Movements of a Familiar Backyard Bird

New studies suggest that northern populations of White-breasted Nuthatches might also have irruptive years—and 2020 is one of them.

Another Consequence of Suppressing Wildfire: Trees Are Invading the Prairie

Another Consequence of Suppressing Wildfire: Trees Are Invading the Prairie

Left unburned, woody vegetation is crowding out habitat, but proactive landowners are learning to use fire to restore America’s grasslands.

At a Time of Standstill, Remembering the Significance of Life on the Move

At a Time of Standstill, Remembering the Significance of Life on the Move

With fall migration well underway, birders can appreciate the ecological and societal importance of global mobility during a difficult year.

Hoot ‘n’ Howl Fest: Free Socially Distanced Event at the Prairie

Hoot ‘n’ Howl Fest: Free Socially Distanced Event at the Prairie

— Fall Fest has transformed into a smaller, safer version of the annual event
The Remarkable Life of Roxie Laybourne

The Remarkable Life of Roxie Laybourne

From deep within the Smithsonian, the world’s first forensic ornithologist cracked cases, busted criminals, and changed the course of aviation—making the skies safer for us all.

Paint a Fall Nature Scene at Audubon’s Rowe Sanctuary

Paint a Fall Nature Scene at Audubon’s Rowe Sanctuary

The group painting program, Paint on the Platte, starts at 2 pm next Saturday

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